签 Let's Encrypt 的泛域名 ECC 证书

Install acme.sh:

. .bashrc

没有 root 权限使用自己脚本续期:--uninstall-cronjob

First you need to login to your Aliyun account to get your API key. https://ak-console.aliyun.com/#/accesskey

export Ali_Key="sdfsdfsdfljlbjkljlkjsdfoiwje"
export Ali_Secret="jlsdflanljkljlfdsaklkjflsa"
Ok, let's issue a cert now:
acme.sh --issue --dns dns_ali -d example.com -d www.example.com

The Ali_Key and Ali_Secret will be saved in ~/.acme.sh/account.conf and will be reused when needed.